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lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Quito's  Party


Quito, capital of Ecuador, met 481 years of Spanish foundation. Before this happened, the Inca Empire was going through a civil war, caused by the power struggle between Atahualpa and his brother Huascar. The first defended its preeminence from Quito and the second from Cuzco.
Huascar lost the battle and had to accept death. Immediately after the victory of Atahualpa arrived in Cajamarca the Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro.
In 1533, Atahualpa agreed to meet Pizarro. In this appointment he was taken and killed days later. What motivated the conquest of Quito was a rumor that the treasure of Atahualpa hid in these territories.
Of Pedro de Alvarado, from Guatemala, and Sebastian de Benalcázar from the south: two expeditions to find it was formed. It was the latter, the December 6, 1534, founded the city of San Francisco de Quito, along the eastern slopes of the Pichincha volcano. He did it on the ashes, after the Inca warrior Rumiñahui burned the site so they could not find anything.
The town was established with 200 inhabitants. Limits were reported, the council was established, were distributed solar and communal areas were defined. In the field of architecture began to be built the first monuments, highlighting the start of construction of the church of San Francisco in 1536.
For 1959, this fact is beginning to take place, with the aim of recovering the quiteñidad. Since then, these festivals are celebrated with parades, serenades, Queen City, wooden racing cars, traditional food, traditional card game '40', canelazos, bands and more people choose.

Local Cuisine of Quito

Sandwiches of pork are famous especially the local from downtown. The pork meat used for this preparation comes from the leg of the animal and cooked in a wood oven. Once, in the late seventies, the Quito came to the street Rocafuerte to try these delicacies.
Seco de chivo  In the Sierra accompanies white rice and potatoes. Using naranjilla, brown sugar and beer define their distinctive flavor. During the colonial era was one of the most popular dishes among the diners.Locro potatoes This soup has more than 2000 years of history in national territories. Before the arrival of the Spaniards in the menu populations living in Quito already existed achievements cunt, beans or mellocos. Usually it accompanies browning and avocados.Hornado  In the original preparation of this dish, chicha and lard are used. The pig is baked in a clay oven and when ready it accompanied by mote, potato pancakes and sour chili or cold. Legs broth Influences of indigenous, pre-Hispanic and Spanish cuisine come together in this soup. The basic ingredients are preparing beef leg fence and the nickname while peppers and peanuts are optional.Morocho.  Shelled (cereal) that has been soaked overnight before. In Quito they are famous that are offered on the premises of the 5 Corners in Chimbacalle and usually served with empanadas de viento.Rosero is present in the most typical restaurants of the capital. To be made of a variety of fruits (pineapple, guava, strawberry, babaco, among others) is a refreshing drink that also incorporates morocho or nickname and herbs.Canelazo is the best option to counter the cold Quito. It is made of brandy, sugar or brown sugar, water, cinnamon and pure juice naranjilla. This preparation is taken hot is typical of the Andean regionMistela  In the eighteenth century, was used as an offering hospitality to visitors and strangers who came to the city. The recipe includes mint or orange peel, yerba attacked, anise, cinnamon and liqueur inevitable.Microbrews  In the convent of San Francisco was first prepared a microbrew, this was in the colonial era. In the last couple of years, the beverage has gained presence in the city. Traditionally they come in three varieties, blond, red and dark, with different levels of intensity.Fresh fig with cheese  To become sweet figs must go through a long process that involves cooking for hours in a honey syrup brown sugar or cane sugar, flavored with cinnamon. To serve it is customary to accompany pieces of cheese. 

Tomato compote  This fruit tree is native to the Andean region, as it is sown in lands located between 1 500 and 2 000. The syrup that complements the dessert is made of cinnamon, sugar, zest and juice orange.

Sánduches de pernil. Son famosos sobre todo, los de los locales del Centro Histórico. La carne de chancho utilizada para esta preparación proviene de la pierna del animal y se cocina en un horno de leña. Antaño, a finales de los años setenta, los quiteños acudían a la calle Rocafuerte para probar estas delicias. Seco de chivo. En la Sierra se lo acompaña de arroz blanco y papas. El uso de naranjilla, panela y cerveza definen su sabor característico. Durante la época colonial fue uno de los platos más populares entre los comensales. Locro de papas. Esta sopa tiene más de 2 000 años de historia en territorios nacionales. Antes de la llegada de los españoles en el menú las poblaciones asentadas en Quito ya existían logros de chochos, habas o mellocos. Por lo general, se lo acompaña de tostado y aguacates. Hornado. En la preparación original de este platillo, se utilizan chicha y manteca de cerdo. Se hornea el chancho en un horno de arcilla y cuando está listo se lo acompaña de mote, tortillas de papa y agrio o ají frío. Caldo de patas. Influencias de la cocina autóctona, prehispánica y española confluyen en esta sopa. Los ingredientes fundamentales de la preparación son la pata de cerco vacuno y el mote, mientras que el ají y el maní son opcionales. Bebidas Morocho. Es un brebaje dulce elaborado morocho molido y sin cáscara (cereal) que ha sido remojado durante toda la noche anterior. En Quito son famosos los que se ofertan en los locales de las 5 Esquinas, en Chimbacalle y que normalmente se sirven junto con empanadas de viento. Rosero. Está presente en los restaurantes más típicos de la capital. Al estar hecho de una variedad de frutas (piña, guayabo, frutilla, babaco, entre otros) es una bebida refrescante que también incorpora morocho o mote y hierbas aromáticas. Canelazo. Es la mejor opción para contrarrestar el frío quiteño. Está hecho a base de aguardiente, azúcar o panela, agua de canela y jugo puro de naranjilla. Esta preparación que se toma caliente es propia de la región andina. Mistela. En el siglo XVIII se utilizaba como ofrenda de hospitalidad para los visitantes y forasteros que llegaban a la ciudad. La receta incorpora menta o cáscara de naranja, yerba de ataco, anís, canela y el infaltable licor. Cervezas artesanales. En el convento de San Francisco se preparó por primera vez una cerveza artesanal, esto fue en la época colonial. En el último par de años, esta bebida alcohólica ha ganado presencia en la urbe. Tradicionalmente vienen en tres variedades, rubia, roja y oscura, con diferentes niveles de intensidad. Postres Dulce de higos con queso. Para convertirse en dulce el higo debe atravesar un largo proceso que implica cocinarlo por horas en un almíbar de miel de panela o caña de azúcar, aromatizado con canela. Al servirlo es costumbre acompañarlo de pedazos de queso fresco. Compota de tomate de árbol. Este fruto es originario de la región andina, ya que se siembra en tierras localizadas entre los 1 500 y 2 000. El almíbar que complementa al postre está hecho de canela, azúcar, ralladura y jugo de naranja.

Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por Diario EL COMERCIO en la siguiente dirección: http://www.elcomercio.com/tendencias/platostipicos-identifican-quito-gastronomia-latitudcero.html. Si está pensando en hacer uso del mismo, por favor, cite la fuente y haga un enlace hacia la nota original de donde usted ha tomado este contenido. ElComercio.com

Traditional games of Quito 

It is a traditional game that requires skill and lots of practice. To begin the spin must be of good quality and great balance, so you can turn long. The toy has a rope to pull it gives momentum to lap over a small piece of metal that is at the tip.

His grace is for tricks that are achieved do without this stop. While eventually lost the passion for making dance to spin, which was played in their childhood they have been commissioned to teach his secrets to the new generations.


It is a card game for four players compete in pairs. This is to accumulate points to reach 40 forming pairs of cards of the same number or adding those in the table. The points are the 'dogs', ie letters of 8 to 10.

During the game the jokes and these are not lacking. "Two for shunsho" or "Two for handsome" are heard more than once.





viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


 My experience has been a little rude because when you try to talk to a foreigner, the nerves begin to appear, the question .... I am going to say? I understand? to think of me? and so questions that make when talking one knows what not to say and not end up saying anything coherent.

This is my blog where I relate my experiences in each of the interviews with foreigners, which help in my practice of English language fluency.
 In each of the videos I had made a big deal at the time to talk because when I do I mix many words in Spanish and lose consistency in sentences.