Prospective datesat the end ofyear, many peoplegather topreparefamouspuppetsofold year, they most commonlywere builtwithacerrinand used clothingunused, were alsofilled withpaper ornewspaper, adorned withvarious objects,primarilywithmasksmadecardboard, thesepoliciesgenerallyrepresented, famous figures,celebrities andpeople associated withfamily and friends.
Generally thesephrasesused tocarrytheblessedwill (everything leftfor nextyear), orthe name of thepuppetwho represented, and evenwith themivanpaperscontainedthe badthings that have happenedduring theyear so thatthetime toburneverythingfencewith.
Currentlypuppetsare built with awoodenstructuredbase whichis covered withnewspaper, paperand cardboard, often have a variety ofsize, some of these aregreat monuments. Thesehave been coupledmorescience fictioncharacters, characters frommoviesalsothe year, celebrities, celebrities, places and finallysomething that isnot doing, the representation ofpoliticalleaders(President, mayors, ministers, etc).
Thesepuppetsare displayedin homes,onthe fronts ofcars,in squares, streets, balconies and all placeswhere theyhave builtone of these.
Day of the Innocents
The Fools Day is a great festival that takes in several provinces of
Ecuador, especially in Cuenca, where are performed and parades,
referring to the day of the innocent.This festival has its beginning from December 28 until January 6 next year (Dayof the Magi).This
tradition in the Christian world refers to '' The Day of the Innocents
'' day when the massacre is given to all children under two years living
in Belen, order issued by King Herod, in order to get rid of Jesus, the child who had recently been born in the stable of Bethlehem (remembered at Christmas).In
the beginning this celebration was strictly religious, with the passage
of time, other elements were incorporated pagan character such as
making and parades in which people dress up all sorts of characters,
they celebrated with jokes and jokes who they strive to tease and reveal the innocence of those who receive it without knowing it.
InEcuadorChristmas isreceivedwith great joy, is a time whenEcuadorian familiesgather tocelebrate thebirth of Christ, everyone is waitingwith greatanxietythe arrival of thisfestevidadto share and celebratewith his.
In Ecuador many people follow
the custom of putting the Christmas tree on December 8 because on this day the
day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is celebrated, many people
prefer to do in the month of November and some in early December, but if it is
a tradition that is maintained for many years, according to legend, this
tradition was in Germany during the eighth century, the missionary St. Boniface
was preaching a sermon on Christmas Day and an oak tree was felled to show that
it was not sacred, (as this was used to worship the birth of Frey, god of the
sun and fertility). When the tree destroyed all the bushes least a fir tree.
San Bonifacio interpreted what happened as a miracle and decided to call the
"tree of baby Jesus. ''
There are many programsinwhich peoplegather to lightthe Christmastreecollectively, among family and friends.All thisas asign of unityamong thepeoplewe most wanttoalsokick off themost anticipatedtime of the year, thetime in whichthe birth ofJesusis expected.
In Switzerland,the Christmastrees arenotsynthetic, they are cut fromthe mountainsand aredecoratedwith candles andchocolatesChristmas Eve, while in ecguadorthey areadorned withlight bulbs, lights, ornaments and garlands.
Crib in homes
The crib is a representation which is given on arrival to the world of Jesus,
here representative figures are placed in the nativity scene.
Are are found in every Ecuadorian home, in
churches, community centers and representative in all parts of the country, an
example of this is the location of Christmas pecebre on the bun.
This tradition is to arm the pecebre and December 25 (Christmas Eve) the child Jesus
is placed in the middle of birth.
In Switzerlandalso it carriedoutthe construction of thecribat the footof the tree, these twocomplement each other tobring the familyinits construction.
At Christmas,it is very commonto receivea bagofcandyby family, friends and groups in whichasChristmas programsin schools, colleges, social organizations, businesses, churches, youth groups,etc.are made It is alsocommondeliveringChristmas baskets, turkeys, gifts, bonuses to employeesof large companieswho receiveitas a bonus fortherelizadoworkthroughout the year, this alsooccursfrom familyand friends.
In Switzerlandit is very commondeliveryofbaskets ofproductsto familyandfriendsand also thegivingbiscuitsto children.
The ninth.
The ninthis a religiouspractice that is donefor ninedaysin the middle ofthefamily or communityof a groupof people,whichisgraduallyputting togetherthe crib, union meditateevery daya specific part ofthe Holy Scriptureswhich theypray, singcarolsand callsforan intention, the ninth day, a daybefore Christmasis primarily focused onthe birth ofJesus, hereit is whena candleanticipatingthe arrival ofchristmas Eveturns.
Passthe Child,is a very oldtradition, in whichworshipis offeredto the birth ofChrist, theChild Jesus.
Processionsfilledthe figure of thechild.Childrendress up asangels and shepherds, accompanied bythe town band, thecarolsplaying. The processionculminates in achurch whereMass is celebrated. PassesChildcelebratedon December 24each year.The passof the Childheldthe first ofJanuary andpassthe ChildKing, held on 5Januarywhichare called"Minorpasses" in whichthe participation ofthe population is younger. ThePriostespeoplearesocially and economicallysponsoringreligious festivals, itstasks are toorganizeinvitationsto performPassand covereconomiccosts.How to selectthese peopleis very varied, as some casesare individualsdesignatedorarepeople applyingto be.
Christmas carols
The carolsare musicalcompositions havingsomething thatinvokes theChristmas spiritinthetimes of thebirth of Christ. InEcuadortherehavetrcendidocarolsthroughout history,carolsideltidadpart ofthis people. But thisconstumbretook hold inSpainand this countrytoits colonies in America. Withthe assembly ofBethlehemcame thesongs, these were passed fromvillage to village, who were consideredvillas, andwho interpretedthe musiciscalledcarols,this is the originofcarolsasinterpretedinEcuador.
MassesandEucharistic Celebrationsfor Christmas
Duringthe holidays,several acts ofChristmas celebrationasmasses,egMidnight Massis doneon Christmas Eveare made,as wellas theprocessionspassthe childare madeand many more thatgo withthe joyof welcoming thebaby Jesus. All thisoccursin the heatof the community whoischantingcarols andsongs aboutChristmas.
Another typicaltradition inSwitzerland is theAdvent Calendar, which giveschildrenearlier this month.
Some aremade ofhandmadeor manufactured; hugeor small; multicolored in theform ofboards ormadewith ribbonsofhanginglittle bags...but all withthe same purpose: With it,the children goevery daymarkingthe time remainingto receive ChristinChristmas.Andthe most populararehiddencandy orsmallgift foreach day, until the great moment ofcelebration.
Typical foodat Christmas
InEcuadorit is customary toeatbakedturkey, stuffing is separateandisbased onmincedpork andchicken, sweet bread, wine, raisins, prunes, olives and wine; Russian salad, potatoes, apples, carrots, peas with mayonnaise andricecanbewith cream andcorn orwith cream andparsley.It is alsocustomary to eatroast pork. EasterdessertbreadorPanetonneoralsoeatChristmascakes. And itbringswithchampagne.In familiesoflow socialeatingchicken orpork, sometimes with stuffing,potato saladand ricewith cream andcorn,liketoast withchampagneissocheap, and beernever lacking.
Switzerlandhas the usualcustom of eatingturkeyon Christmas EveorChristmas isnot a "must" for the Swiss,whoprefer takingof foreignorlocal customs,whattheymost want.The truth is thatin these celebrationsSwisslean towards thetraditionalSwissfood, a distantexoticdish, or thebest knownin this country:the so-calledFondueChinoise.This isa platein whichthere is no requirementforolderpreparationsorwhole hoursin the kitchen.Meat, usually beef(and sometimescombinedwith bitsof horse meat) you can buy in supermarketsreadyto puton the table,orit can beobtained in thecarnage.Theycut meatwhen the meatis frozen,verysmall and thin, leaving aslip of paperno largerthan 5 cm.
Originof Christmas
try to contemplate a theory is interesting to consider the origin of
the word Christmas in Old English is 'Cristes Maesse' Christ's Mass,
which dates from 1038; and 'Cristes- messe' by 1131.Formerly
Christmas was not on the major feasts of the Church, but now it is one
of the most important and has to his credit many activities have been
integrated over time, eg making cribs, build trees Christmas carol singing, 'Midnight Mass' Magi, 'Holy Innocents' and more.The
first evidence of this festival comes from Egypt around the year 200
AD, studies show not only the year, but the tentative date of birth of
Christ that apparently corresponds to May 20 the twenty-eighth year of
the reign of August.Although there are different dates dispute the honor of the famous
birth in the Christian world, the most important day of the Christmas
party are mainly 24 and 25, allocated as commemorative dates of birth of
date is eminently religious, although their bases in the gospel show
contradictions and no confirmation of data, but very related to solar
feast of Natalis Invicti on 25 December in the Roman Empire.